Is This It - Poster version of the album cover I made for Siren's new single 'Is This It' 2023

Innan Tiden Rinner Ut - Album cover for Elin Jones' new single 'Innan tiden rinner ut' 2023

do u miss me? - Album cover for ELLI MAR's single 'do u miss me?' 2020

Ella Rammelt - A promotional image for the release of 'do u miss me?' 2020

Norrhälsinge Entreprenad AB - Logo for Norrhälsinge Entreprenad AB, an entrepreneur firm in the peat production industry 2020

Bear Badges - Badges in different materials, rewarded as different tier rewards for the You Need Backup Patreon 2019

Ingenting - Album cover for Pretty Boys' debut single 'Ingenting' 2021

Gino Vannelli Poster - A promotional poster for the rytmus: LiveNight 2021 Tribute to Gino Vannelli performance by Alexander Sjölund/Snootz, meant to be a parody of the album cover for Gino Vannelli's sixth studio album 'Brother to Brother' 2021

Studienämnden - The logo for the KTH School of Architecture's Board of Studies 2021

You Need Backup - An animated server icon for the You Need Backup Discord Server 2019

Beckoning Bell - A stylised rendition of Bloodborne's beckoning bell, used as an emote for the official Bloodborne Discord Server 2020

Blacksky Eye - A stylised rendition of Bloodborne's blacksky eye, used as an emote by the official Bloodborne Discord Server 2019

Augur of Ebrietas - A stylised rendition of Bloodborne's augur of ebrietas, used as an emote by the official Bloodborne Discord Server 2018

Empty Phantasm Shell - A stylised rendition of Bloodborne's empty phantasm shell, used as an emote by the official Bloodborne Discord Server 2019

Small Resonant Bell - A stylised rendition of Bloodborne's small resonant bell, used as an emote for the official Bloodborne Discord Server 2019

Sinister Resonant Bell - A stylised rendition of Bloodborne's sinister resonant bell, used as an emote for the official Bloodborne Discord Server 2019

Tiny Tonitrus - A stylised rendition of Bloodborne's tiny tonitrus, used as an emote by the official Bloodborne Discord Server 2019

Executioner's glove - A stylised rendition of Bloodborne's executioner's glove, used as an emote by the official Bloodborne Discord Server 2018

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